Corporate Training Cool Topics

This is a unique business opportunity for you and your employees to obtain financial information that will challenge traditional thinking.

As a benefit to employees and with no cost to the company, Wealth & Wisdom Educators will present knowledgeable and entertaining training that will impact everyone's lives. This is done in an educational format.

Nothing Will Be Sold!
All Workshops Are FREE!

Wealth & Wisdom Workshop

Wealth & Wisdom professionals are dedicated to the philosophy that an educated client will make better financial decisions. Unfortunately, most people transfer away most of their wealth unknowingly and unnecessarily. It is time to challenge traditional financial thinking and enlist a new thought process that is based on logic and common sense. The results will amaze you.

Powerful and Dynamic Presentations That Will Create a Defining Moment In The Way You Think About Money.

Below you will find a number of Educational Workshops and Corporate Training Topics. For addtional information on any of the topics shown here, please Contact Us.


The Changing Financial Landscape

Your economic situation is a matter of choice, not a matter of chance. Misguided and self-inflicted, it is centered on the lack of knowledge. Learn about the effect on your wealth caused by the dramatic changes in the country's demographics, which will affect everyone. Learn More by watching this Video.



The Largest Transfer of Your Wealth

A unique look at how we have become captive to a system of taxation that is out of control. This is the largest transfer of your wealth. Taxes are a serious threat to your future. Find out why.

The Thought Process

Changing Traditional Financial Thinking
It is difficult to get the right solution when you start out with the wrong premise. If you center yourself in a false belief system financially, the reality is you may fail. Take a good look. What you thought to be true, financially, is about to be tested.

Misguided Wisdom

Thinking Minus Logic

Conventional financial thinking is leading you down a narrow path. If something you thought to be true wasn't true, when would you want to know about it? From the banks, the government and financial institutions, the misinformation is staggering. It could cost you a fortune! Learn more by trying our Rate of Return Calculator.

Owning A Home

The Misunderstood American Dream

This is a must read. Open your mind and your eyes to a different thought process. The average American is so misinformed, sometimes intentionally, when it comes to purchasing or owning a home. Learning and understanding this could change your life. Home Rate of Return Calculator.

Qualified Plans

Financing Your Future or the Government’s?

Are your retirement plans designed to benefit you or will it create unintended consequences, financially, for you in the future? Remember the government created these programs, they control the outcomes and most likely will profit from them. These programs could be the largest win fall for the government and your greatest loss. Tax Savings Example
Demographic Impact


Rate of Return Calculator

Home Rate of Return Calculator

Tax Savings Example


Understand Policy Secrets
A candid approach to life insurance. When properly used it is a powerful financial tool. Discover what policies insurance companies want you to buy and why. The government recognizes life insurance policies financial strengths and you should too.

Now that you have an understanding of what our Cool Topics - Hot Lunch Corporate Training Seminar entails, we would like the opportunity to show you what Wealth & Wisdom Educational Systems can do for your company and each of its employees. If you are concerned about your financial future and being in control of your own wealth, there is no better learning experience than this.

Appointments can be booked by contacting our offices Monday thru Friday during business hours, or you can place a request for an appointment by email using our online Contact Form.